Perfect Money payment systеm has been made up and created by a co-founder of one of Swiss banks Andrew Draper.
The idea popped into his head spontaneously.
It was based on businessmen’s complaints about money transfers taking too much time.
According to law, this procedure can take up to 3 working days.
But for people, who are accustomed to converting minutes into money, a delay leads to losses.
Perfect Money systеm was set up to make withdrawals and financial operations instant.
That’s why the most reasonable solution was registering the company in Panama.
It’s a country with a good attitude towards a financial turnover on the Internet and towards business in general.
Legislative framework of the country contributes to development of the payment systеm.
It’s safety is monitored by the best specialists in this field.
The headquarters of the company is located in Switzerland, in the city of Zurich.
It is there that the best programmers, marketers, accountants, lawyers, analytics and economists work on the creation and constant development of the systеm.
The work never stops, new opportunities for conversion and withdrawal are added, periods of time are reduced and new contracts with partners are signed.
Perfect Money company constantly modernizes and it rightly holds leading positions among payment systems.
By opting for cooperation with the website, you get the following opportunities:
- to choose a language among 20 of them and understand absolutely everything written;
- to use several accounts with different currencies in one wallet;
- to acquire unlimited amounts in currency and gold as well;
- to open accounts for money transfers;
- to provide loans to other users on advantageous terms, that are suggested by the systеm;
- to process deposits on the website and earn additional income by saving money;
- to pay for purchases on the Internet through the website;
- to transfer money to any part of the world;
- to buy Bitcoins.
All offers of Perfect Money are simple and advantageous.
A huge amount of opportunities attract new clients.
Special attention is paid to users’ safety.
Their personal data is verified and kept hidden.
Created accounts are connected to a phone number, IP-address and a verification password.
In the safety systеm even the smallest of details are taken into consideration.
But in case of any incident you can always contact Support team that works 24 hours a day.
Verification in Perfect Money
Before starting to use the payment systеm every user has to go through registration and verification processes.
The first step is clear, but the second one can be alarming.
Verification is a confirmation of a personality by providing his or her documents.
To pass Perfect Money security control, you should provide the
- following data:
- a passport scan;
- a mobile phone number with a possibility to confirm it;
- photo with a clearly visible face;
- utility bills.
If you don’t have any of these documents, then verification is not possible.
Confirmation increases the level of security of the account and user’s reliability.
Monetary transactions are conducted on the website, that’s why fraud is not something unusual here.
Step-by-step verification can protect clients from any problems.
Currencies presented on the website
Perfect Money uses the most popular currencies in the world — dollar and euro. Apart from currencies, gold and Bitcoins have also been implemented.
They are just as popular as fiat money.
It’s possible to exchange money to other currencies via using exchange offices.
Perfect Money website offers certified partners in this field.
They can be found in a tab in the top right corner.
This huge list contains only verified websites with profitable exchange rates.
They work really fast.
Perfect Money tariffs
The company isn’t interested in easy money.
It sets long-term priorities.
That’s why commissions and tariffs of the website are among the most affordable and profitable on the Internet.
For example, for monetary withdrawals you have to give 2.85% or more to the website and pay for banking services.
It’s a generally accepted practice, but a percentage of other payment systems can be higher.
But instant money transfers are the reason why the commission exists.
Cash deposits are made without any additional costs.
Exchange between the United States dollar and the euro is conducted at market rates with 0% commission.
You will need to pay for internal transactions as well: 0.5% for verified and premium accounts and 1.99% for unregistered and unverified users.
Account security is provided for free.
But if there is a loss of data and a need for recovery, then a user has to pay 100$.
You can also activate SMS information service for 0,1$ if desired.
Don’t forget about referral programs.
You can get some money on them.
If you friend registers on the website, you will be able to earn 1% from the referral’s minimum balance on the account.
Advantages and disadvantages of Perfect Money
Analyzing the website and the company in general, we can point out its following positive features:
- high speed of transactions is the main quality of the company;
- low commissions or even their absence;
- an opportunity to make some money on deposits;
- an opportunity to make some money on referral systems;
- acquiring currency and gold at beneficial rates;
- convenient work with Bitcoins;
- Support team, working 24/7.
It’s only a small part of all positive moments.
It’s obvious that Perfect Money is profitable, that’s why the company attracts more and more users, investors and clients.
There are also disadvantages of the systеm that cannot be ignored. These are:
- unverified clients’ opportunity to conduct some operations;
- commissions for internal transactions;
- impossibility to return money if the address is wrong;
- a heavy fine for the recovery of the account.
Internet users are not immune to errors that can lead to an irrevocable loss of money.
Only attention and responsibility can protect you from doing something thoughtless.
Deposits and withdrawals in Perfect Money
You can make deposits to the website in any currency with an automatic conversion.
Creators have made up several methods of doing it:
- Exchange offices without a commission.
- Bank transfers.
- Cryptocurrencies.
- Electronic money.
All of these methods are fast.
Money will be accessible and ready for using immediately.
There are even more methods of withdrawal.
For example, you can get an e-voucher and present it to someone or convert to real money.
Personal certificates are made in a special section of the website within a few minutes.
Any client of Perfect money can create and use a prepaid card.
You can give it to a third party or sell.
E-voucher allows you making deposits to any account in the systеm or paying for your purchases on other websites.
It can be used even if you aren’t a client of Perfect Money.
The following methods of withdrawal can be chosen:
- withdrawals to a bank card;
- to an e-wallet;
- to a prepaid card;
- creating of an e-vouchers;
- withdrawals through a certified exchange office;
- Bitcoin purchases.
Every method is profitable and can be used at any time.
People often use conversion of bank cards into cash or resort to e-currencies.
Perfect Money payment systеm is famous the territory of the CIS and holds leading positions among similar resources.
Simplicity of use, profitable rates and opportunities to earn money attract clients even without additional marketing.
Fast withdrawal is the reason why legal entities with a huge cash flow have started to cooperate with the company.
The website continues to develop and improve, providing new services and lowering interest rates for their use.
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