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WebMoney is not considered as a standard electronic payment systеm because of having an equivalent to currencies in the form of special title units.

The service is on the list of international settlement systems.

It has a lot of features, for example, there is no registration as XPS in Russia, because title units are not considered as electronic money.

The number of users all over the world has almost reached 4 million people.

Reasons of such popularity are ease of use and having all important features.

About the payment systеm

WebMoney as an electronic settlement systеm was established in 1998.

Rights for it belong to WM Transfer Ltd.

The systеm doesn’t have a registration as a payment instrument, because it uses title units.

By means of them, transferring property rights of particular currencies is possible.

Every title unit is connected to a certain currency.

Total number of accounts in the systеm is over 38 million.

Meanwhile, the number of operations every year is more than 150 million and their amount, increasing yearly, tends to 18 billion USD.

The internet service is on the list of the most relevant payment methods of various web resources and purchases in online shops.

Legal information

WebMoney Transfer official website barely has legal information, characterizing the service as an international payment systеm.

The main direction is running a business online.

The systеm provides services for general users as well.

WM Transfer Ltd is the owner of the systеm, but its governing body is an international law firm in Vilnius called UAB «DEED BALTIC».

According to the latest data from financial specialists, a wide range of companies, including British and Russian, hold shares in WebMoney.

But that doesn’t affect functioning of the systеm, because WM Transfer Ltd acts as the only administrator.

One of main verification centers is located in Moscow. Support team works in Russia and programs are being developed there.

Each type of a wallet, depending on a currency, has its own guarantor which is a legal person:

  • WMR – OOO “WMR” in Russia;
  • WMZ – Amstar Holdings Limited which is registered in Hong Kong;
  • WME – WebMoney Europe LTD from Great Britain;
  • WMU – OOO “Agentstvo Garantiy”;
  • WMB – Belarusian OAO “Technobank”;
  • WMK – Kazgarant Ltd with Dominican registration;
  • WMV – Vietnam Online Service Trade Joint Stock Company;
  • MDL – Moldovan company called RunPay Moldova.

INDX Transactions LTD guarantees processes on cryptocurrency wallets, including WMX, WMH, WML.

Special attention should be drawn to a wallet for gold with WM Metals FZE company from UAE as a guarantor.

It turns out that each title unit (or wallet) has an equivalent in currencies and it’s guaranteed by particular companies.

WebMoney is not considered as a regulated payment systеm as there’s no need for this procedure.

However, the company observes all legal acts, which concern public trading in securities.

By the end of autumn 2015, WebMoney has received a special FCA license. It is needed to operate in European Economic Area.

After that, WME-wallets (it’s an equivalent to euro) have got an official status of electronic money, which meet all requirements of EU legislation.

The service observes all provisions and regulations of main acts on security of the platform and clients.


WebMoney exchange is available only after registration.

It depends on a chosen level of access, which is also known as a passport.

The procedure itself is standard and includes the following steps:

  • going to the official website;
  • registration and typing a phone number;
  • creating an account;
  • creating necessary wallets. By default, these are dollars, euros and rubles (their equivalents);
  • getting a passport.

One of important moments is configuring security settings right after the primary registration.

After going to the website and getting an account you have to set all passwords and customize other parameters in settings..


The main thing is that WebMoney is completely consistent with European and international standards in terms of security.

There are several types of authentication.

These are:

  • secret keys;
  • a personal digital certificate;
  • two-factor authorization, set after registration as a login, a password and SMS, as well.

Two-factor option is used for all operations with accounts.

Another actiong is figuring out an IP address, which can restrict the availability of an access.

All the above-mentioned actions are applied to WM Keeper WinPro и WM Keeper WebPro.

There’s a range of additional services, for example, code or temporary protection.

They allow a client transferring money to other user, who will be able to get only using a special code, known to the sender, or after a specific period of time.

Security largely depends on settings, configured by a client.

The faster and more they are, the more convenient it will be to use accounts.


Every client after registration should get one of suggested passports in the form of digital certificates.

The most popular options are:

  1. Alias WM-Passport is the lowest passport, which is got automatically during registration.
  2. Formal WM-Passport can be received after providing passport data. Scans can be needed in exceptional cases, for example, if you need a specific withdrawal through the service.
  3. Initial WM-passport is given after providing documents to an Issuing Agent or sending them through the website.
  4. Personal WM-Passport can be got through a Registrar after a payment which varies from 10 to 20 WMZ. This passport is considered as basic and has an access to almost all options of the systеm.
  5. Registrar is the highest level, which can be received after a personal visit to the Center of Verification.

Totally there are more than 12 levels, but some of them are specific passports, for example, for guarantors or representatives of particular companies.


Deposits to WebMoney are available only if you have a specific type of a wallet, which has an equivalent to a currency.

After registration it’s possible to create several wallets. They will be later used for particular types of financial resources.

Every wallet is an equivalent to a currency.

For example, WMB is Belarusian ruble and WME is euro.

At the moment WMU is not functioning in Russia.

All other wallets work as usual.

A choice of currencies depends on a client’s wish.

The important thing is that transfers within the service are available only if wallets have the same type.

In all other cases you will have to use an exchanger.

How to spend money or exchange them to other payment systems?

There are various methods of deposits in WebMoney.

They differ according to a wallet type.

Some currencies can be withdrawn to a card or by special transfers, but it mostly depends on a wallet type and having partnership between WebMoney and other payment systems in a country.

The main use of money from an e-wallet is making purchases in online shops and paying for particular services.

Advantages and disadvantages of WebMoney

The service has the following positive features:

  • having the secure systеm;
  • having additional affiliate programs, including cashback;
  • coherent work of arbitration and a support team;
  • an opportunity not to get high-level passports;
  • operating with most of exchangers;
  • a huge amount of methods for deposits and;
  • ease of use;
  • having a lot of wallets, including cryptocurrencies and gold.

Disadvantages are difficulty of getting a high-level passport and big commissions for transfers.

The reason of the second problem is not having an individual exchange systеm on the platform.

Other disadvantages vary depending on a country, as in some cases wallets can get hit by sanctions and suspend the activities.

WebMoney is on the list of the most popular financial services all over the world.

Its main advantage over competitors is an opportunity to carry out various transactions and to keep a big amount of currencies at one place.

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