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Yandex Money

Yandex Money is a Russian electronic payment systеm. The service is more than 15 years old and it still continues to develop.

There are over 49 million users at the moment. The systеm has a lot of features which allow it to be one of leaders in Russia and CIS.

About the payment systеm

Yandex Money ranks among the top three services in terms of money operations in Russia.

Only Sberbank and bank cards have a bigger amount of them.

The service was set up in July 24, 2002. It was a project of Yandex and PayCash company.

Later there was a refurbishing that has resulted in an increased number of users.

In 2012 after tightening licensing policies the company got a license from the Bank of Russia.

In the same year Yandex made a deal with Sberbank, which have become its shareholder with a 75 percent stake.

During next several years a number of clients continued to grow.

A quantity of registered wallets has exceeded 46 million.

Features of the systеm are:

  • broader partnership with a set of financial companies;
  • convenient withdrawals and a huge number of deposit methods;
  • versatility. A client can pay for purchases on the Internet and for state fees;
  • availability of virtual and plastic bank cards, which are accepted by all shops.

Popularity Yandex Money resulted from its big opportunities and, at the same time, simplicity and convenience of use.

A high-quality security systеm makes the service one of leaders in terms of reliability.

Legal Information

Now a share capital belongs to 2 companies.

These are Yandex (25% +1 ruble) and Sberbank (75% -1 ruble).

Despite the fact that Yandex Money was registered in Saint-Petersburg, its headquarters is located in Moscow, on Sadovnicheskaya street 82, building 2.

The largest office of the company is in Saint-Petersburg, on Piscarevsky avenue.

One more office is located in Nizhny Novgorod. It provides services for clients.

The name of the company in the international format is “Yandex.Money”, NBCO LLC.

As the company has a license, its activities are monitored by a special supervisory authority of of the Bank of Russia.

The present license was got in 2015 (№3510-К from 27.03.2015).

It allows carrying out money operations and conduct banking activity.

At the moment, the CEO of Yandex.Money is Ivan Glazychev, who was assigned to this position in 2018.

Previously he worked in Russian Standard Bank.

Yandex Money has a range of additional international licenses, which allow working with foreign partners.

There are also several safety regulations.

The service is considered as one of the most reliable ones because of its full-fledged regulation.


You need to go to the official website in order to register.

It can be done by just searching “Yandex Money” on the Internet.

Registration will be more convenient if you have an account on Yandex.

A further course of action includes the following steps:

  • enter the account and go to Yandex Money;
  • create a wallet;
  • type all data, including a password, a login and an e-mail (It’s not necessary if you already have an account);
  • connect the wallet to your phone number;
  • after that, connect the wallet to a bank card to which withdrawals will be conducted.

If the card is not needed, just go to settings and fill all forms, including security settings.

Then registration is ended.


In Yandex Money there are three levels of identification:

  1. Anonymous or non-personalized. It has some restrictions like impossibility to conduct operations with other users and a limit set to 15.000 rubles. This type of a wallet is used for purchases in some Russian online shops.
  2. Personalized. This status has a limit of 60.000 rubles and an opportunity to conduct operations all over the world. To get this status you need to go to settings age and type all needed information, including passport data and a phone number. This wallet cannot work with bank accounts and it cannot be connected with other payment systems, such as Webmoney.
  3. Identified. It demands personalization. You have to appeal to an office of the systеm or to Euroset. A copy of your passport and an application will be needed. After the procedure a daily limit stands at 250.000 rubles.

After complete verification, you will have an opportunity to work with bank accounts and other payment systems.

Security level is increased and new functions appear.

For example, you can get your money back within 24 hours if the wallet is hacked.

Every user chooses individually what status he needs.


All client’s data is protected by a special TLS protocol.

Security parameters depend on a status of verification.

General settings can be changed in an account.

There you can set a password.

After 2008 there’s a code systеm, which a person gets to his mobile phone during any operations.

It’s recommended to set all parameters right after creating a wallet and registration.

It will avoid unauthorized use of an account.


Yandex Money has several card types.

The first one is a virtual card which is used for paying for online purchases.

It can be drawn up through an account in the systеm.

You need to go to the main section, which is located under a wallet with indicated amount of money.

It’s also possible to draw up a personalized or standard Yandex card.

It is a means of payment, which is accepted by all shops and ATM machines.

The most popular option is drawing up a Mastercard card. It allows conducting all operations even abroad.

All limits of cards are connected to an identification level, that’s why the simplest way is to go to an office of Yandex Money, Euroset of Svyaznoy.

It will make all operations available at the same time, including verifications and ordering a card.

Money deposits and withdrawals

Amount of daily operations and available places where to conduct them depend on a level of verification.

Anonymous level allows making purchases only on the Internet.

Other options allow money transactions to all payment systems or through connecting to other services, particularly Webmoney.

Money can be used for:

  • purchases in shops in case of having a card;
  • purchases on the Internet;
  • withdrawals to various bank cards or transfers to other users;
  • operations with an exchangers, allowing to transfer money to various service, including cryptocurrency.

After complete identification using money is not limited, so you can use a wallet as an electronic bank account.

Pros and cons of the systеm

Yandex Money has some advantages. These are:

  • a high level of security;
  • a universal account which allows conducting any operations account;
  • low commissions for transfers and deposits;
  • being regulated by the government, which has a positive effect on the reputation of the company;
  • a huge number of partners all over the world;
  • having different types of cards.

There several disadvantages, as well.

The first of them is a need to go to an office of the company or its partners in order to verify an account.

Another downside is a lack of opportunities to work with other payment systems.

Now you can reach out to them only through the exchanger.

These disadvantages doesn’t affect popularity of the service at all, because there is an opportunity to conduct various operations, including paying bills, in a simple and convenient form for clients.

Yandex Money is a payment service, which has become one of leaders in Russia and some parts of CIS.

Among reasons of such success are having a lot of affiliate programs and an opportunity to use the wallet as a universal bank account.

Registration and use of the wallet have some features, but anyway using the systеm is convenient for different groups of clients.

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